Graduation day is a significant day in the life of a learner where they get to celebrate their accomplishments and Kukhula is privileged enough to share this special moment with all of our learners.
Recently Kukhula had the privilege to attend learnership graduations. We at Kukhula are extremely proud of each learner that has successfully completed a learnership. All their mentors and coaches attended the ceremonies along with Kukhula’s ETQA Manager, Business Development Manager, Projects Coordinator and the Facilitator. All the below graduations were hosted by the clients at their premises, Kukhula was responsible for printing of the certificates and supplying the graduation gowns for each learner. Our Kukhula branded banners were displayed and we recorded the ceremony and presented the certificates to the learners. BLG FIRST GARMENT RENTAL GRADUATION BLG First Garment Rental learners completed the Business Administration Level 4. All learners were deemed competent and received certificate of attendance. Memories were shared of a journey that started out with hesitant, tentative steps, and how far they have progressed. It was a joyous occasion enjoyed by all. KOLOK GRADUATIONS Kolok learners completed the Business Administration Level 3 and level 4. All the learners received certificates of attendance and deemed competent. A very relaxed yet professional setting was created for the guests and finger foods were served. The group was a very energetic group and attended all the classes. XLINK GRADUATION Xlink learners completed the Business Administration Level 3 and level 4. All learners were deemed competent and received a certificate of attendance. The learners were extremely proud of their accomplishment and dressed to impress. Each learner gave a 2-minute speech as to what the Learnership meant to them. DISCOVERY GRADUATIONS Discovery learners completed the Contact Centre Level 3. All the learners received certificates of attendance and deemed competent. A marvellous five-star lunch was presented to the guest after the ceremony. A guest speaker and shareholder for Discovery presented the learners with a memorable speech and gave the learners hope of succeeding after the Learnership. It has been an honour and great privilege to be part of their journey, one imbued with wonderful memories.
Kukhula equipped them with skills to take on the world. Kukhula has simply built a strong foundation for the future one, which they will independently design and build.