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Accredited Training Provider

Accredited Training Provider

Accredited Training Provider

Accredited Training Provider

Accredited Training Provider

Our Accreditors

Accredited Training Provider

Level 1 BBBEE Contributor

As an accredited training provider, we are a Level 1 B-BBEE contributor with a 135% procurement recognition, positively affecting several B-BBEE elements including Management Control, Skills Development, Enterprise and Supplier Development, and Socio-Economic Development. Our services directly impact four of the B-BBEE elements of our clients B-BBEE Scorecard:

Management Control Skills Development Enterprise Development and Supplier Development Socio Economic Development Over and Above our accreditations, we have a Memorandum of Understanding with all SETA’s.

Services SETA

This body ensures that the services sector’s skills needs are met, balancing demand with supply and maintaining educational standards. The Services SETA ensures that the skill requirements of the services sector are identified and that adequate and appropriate skills are readily available. The Services SETA contributes to the improvement of sector skills through achieving a more favourable balance between demand and supply, and ensuring that education and training meet the agreed standards within a national framework.


The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is a juristic organisation - that is an entity given a legal personality by the law. The South African Qualifications Authority Board is a body of 12 members appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and Training.

Department of Education

In accordance with the Higher Education Act (1997), Private Higher Education Institutions are required to register with the Department of Education. The courses that we offer are accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE).


Umalusi Council sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa in accordance with the National Qualification Framework Act No 67 of 2008 and the General and further Education and training Quality Assurance Act No 58 of 2001.


The QCTO is responsible for the accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDPs). The QCTO accredits SDPs to offer programmes and qualifications that falls under the Occupational Qualifications Sub-Framework (OQSF)


In collaboration with other agricultural stakeholders, AgriSETA generates and supports opportunities for social, economic, and employment growth for agri-enterprises through relevant, high-quality, and easily available education, training, and development in both primary and secondary agriculture.


Facilitates skill development in the transport sector, aligning with the National Skills Development Plan. The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA) is one of the 21 SETAs in South Africa tasked with facilitating skill development and training in various economic sectors. TETA's business areas include rail, aircraft, maritime, road freight, road passenger, taxi, freight handling, and forwarding and clearing. The authority is committed to ensuring that the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP) is implemented in order to create a pool of workers who are highly skilled, competitive, and competent to perform effectively in the transportation sector.


Supports education and training to enhance sector skills and employment opportunities. The SETA's mandate is to promote and support the delivery of education, training, and development in order to improve the sector's skills profile and contribute to the creation of employment opportunities, particularly for previously disadvantaged people.


Addresses skills development needs in the wholesale and retail sector, managing learning programs and grants. In 2000, the Skills Development Act established the Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&RSETA) (as amended). As specified in the National Skills Development Plan, the public entity strives to facilitate the Wholesale and Retail (W&R) Sector's skills development needs by implementing learning programs, disbursing grants, and monitoring education and training (NSDP). The Department of Higher Education and Training manages SETAs. There are 21 SETAs in the country, each serving a different economic area.








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